Oriental and Area Rugs

Types Of Rugs And What They Are Made From

Some types of rugs are handmade, hand tufted, braided, machine made, flat weave. Some of the natural material is wool, silk, cotton, sisal, sea grass. Some synthetic rug material is polyester, nylon, and polypropylene. Some rugs are also blended natural and synthetic together. Wool rugs can usually outlast synthetic rugs like polyester or polypropylene. Wool being a more superior fiber and being naturally stain- resistant can lead to a permanent stain if any spills are left untreated. Also wool rugs are more costlier to buy and clean and can stain much easier than synthetic . If your household has kids, pets and you entertain we recommend good quality synthetic rugs.

Our Rug Cleaning Process

Depending on the type of rug, soil condition, material it’s made from a thorough rug inspection and evaluation is recommended on where and how the rug should be cleaned. Rugs made from natural fiber or synthetic fiber with pet odor problems need to be cleaned off-site and usually need to be gently submerged in a bath and deodorized, rinsed, and forced dried. Sometimes synthetic area rugs can be steam cleaned on- site. Some customers may just want a superficial cleaning done while others want the rugs picked up and cleaned. Price can also dictate how a customer chooses to clean their rugs. Some rugs can be cleaned on-site with rotary or orbital machines.

All Area rugs are dusted and vacuumed with our pile lifter before they are washed, flushed and dried. This is for deep washing and contamination.

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